Natural Healing

Best Crystals To Help Reduce Anxiety

woman holding six polished stones

Worry and anxiety can creep up on us seemingly out of nowhere. And before you know it, that incessant mind chatter has taken over, along with a racing heart and sweaty palms. If this sounds all too familiar, reach for one of these crystals the next time anxiety strikes. Each one is known for its ability to calm and soothe the mind, promoting feelings of peace and relaxation. Choose your favorite or try them to see which works best for you!


Amethyst has long been associated with calm and serenity. In fact, the word Amethyst comes from the Greek word for “not intoxicated,” as it was believed that the stone could prevent drunkenness. Today, Amethyst is still prized for its calming properties, and many people use it as a crystal for anxiety. These pure crystals work by promoting relaxation and easing stress. Amethyst is also said to boost self-esteem and confidence, two qualities that can help manage anxiety.

set of shiny transparent amethysts grown together
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on


It is believed that Fluorite can help to calm and center the user’s mind, making it easier to deal with stressful situations. Fluorite also promotes creativity and imagination, which can be helpful in times of stress when it can be difficult to think outside the box. Additionally, Fluorite can foster relationships and promote harmony, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. If you need a crystal for anxiety, consider Fluorite! 

Smoky Quartz 

Smoky Quartz is one of the most effective crystals for helping to ease anxiety. It has a calming and grounding energy that can help to quell panic attacks and alleviate worry and stress. Smoky Quartz can also help to dissipate negative emotions such as anger, fear, and resentment. Keep a piece of Smoky Quartz with you during stressful times because these pure crystals have healing power.

white and gray stone on brown wooden table
Photo by Alina Vilchenko on

Black Tourmaline

This powerful stone has a long history of use for protection and grounding. It can help to release negative emotions and thought patterns and replace them with positive, peaceful ones. Black Tourmaline is also known for absorbing and deflecting negative energy.


Howlite is a powerful crystal for anxiety that can alleviate stress and worries. It is also helpful for insomnia as it can quiet a racing mind. Howlite can be placed on the forehead to help with headaches and migraines. It is also said to be a stone of awareness and can be used during meditation to help achieve a higher state of consciousness.


There’s something special about Citrine – energy that just makes you feel good. Maybe it’s the sunny yellow hue or the way it seems to radiate warmth. But Citrine is more than just a pretty face – these pure crystals have some serious anxiety-busting power. Citrine is all about positivity and good vibes. It’s the perfect crystal to keep around when you’re feeling down or dealing with anxiety or stress. Holding a piece of Citrine can help to boost your mood and increase your sense of well-being.

Summing Up

Some of the most popular crystals for anxiety include Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, and Citrine. These crystals can soothe your mind and body and promote feelings of calm and peace. If you’re looking for a natural way to reduce anxiety, consider using these crystals. With their ability to promote relaxation and peace, they may just be the perfect solution for you.

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